


Munk is a multi-disciplinary animation and software studio.


Munk studios is a creatively driven multi-disciplinary animation and software studio. Technical expertise, creativity and meticulous craftsmanship are its tools.  Munk Studios is a unique merger of Art and technology.  

Munk was founded by multi award-winning animator Pryce Duncalf, a heavyweight animation and visual effects professional with over 16 years’ experience in the UK and Australian creative industries. By collaborating with a group of select specialists of equal ability in their fields, he successfully established a London-based software and animation studio with a global reach.

Contact Us

Phone - +44 825 626770

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Work with us

Munk are always keen to work with talented freelancers of all disciplines anywhere in the world. If you have a talent or specialism, we would love to see your work, please send portfolios and rates to